Dissemination and PR Activities

During the first year of the project, FASTY partners have carried out several activities for the dissemination of the expected results of the project and the benefits of the future use of its results.

Project presentation on the web

There is a presentation of the FASTY project on this Web-Site.

Project Folder

The Project Folder, with an overview of the objectives and features of the project, has been issued in English, German, French, Dutch and Swedish and distributed at meetings, conferences and workshops. It is also available for download at the FASTY project pages.

Project presentations

The FASTY partners have participated in several conferences and other events, as detailed below:

The FASTY partners have participated in the following workshops, seminars or courses:

In the following countries, articles about FASTY have been published in newspapers and also an interview on the radio has been carried out.

United Kingdom:

Presentation of FASTY to different interest groups

The FASTY project has also been presented to different interest groups. We detail hereinafter the following countries as concrete channels where some contacts were made.
